Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Evaluate this!

So I'm sitting in my Katima Living room, chillin with the Katima family. All our suitcases are piled into the Zen room, and everyone has their laptops out, busy filling out our post program questionaires. Our bunk beds are empty, our sleeping bags rolled up, the only food in the house is cereal and our PC came to say goodbye and simutaneously high jacked our printer. Sara has gone on a timmies run, Eve to get a Sandwich and Isaac is playing with Lego. My goodness, this program is sincerely one of the funniest things ever.
This afternoon we had our one on one meetings with Steph and we got another Katimavik shirt, our letter we wrote to ourselves in Vanderhoof, our last $21 dollar Katima allowence, $16 for food at the airport, $350 for our travel deposits, our certificate, letter of recommdenation and... a hug from Steph.
It's pretty crazy that I now have in my possesion my Katimavik certificate and that this time tomorrow I will be sleeping in my bed at home.
Leaving my Katima fam will be one of the hardest things I will ever have to do, but it's really, really, not goodbye. It's a, I'll talk to you soon, I'll visit when I have a job that pays more than $3 a day... and an I'll always love you.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home Kyra! I can't believe you will be back already tomorrow. I'd love to see you. Maybe I'll see you at stake conference on Sunday? If you are there, and you see me, make sure you come and say hello!
