So, the other night I vetured downstairs to find MA and Brandon eating their breakfast. At 10:00 pm, out of a large white tub, and an entire box worth. Only in Katimavik...
On Wednesday we volunteered for the snowboard Jamboree. I thought we were going to be volunteering for the actual event but this was really, really not the case. Instead we helped make the actual track/jumps! This required shovelling and ice chopping and Ryan showed me how to do it "Toronto Style" which is apparently extremely violent Ahaha!
It was going alright, but I had slight anxiety pretty much the entire time because it was really high up. To get to the main level we had to climb multiple flights of stairs up a makeshift metal structure and at one point we were breaking snow on the second ramp, and this was like really high. My pictures at night don't do justice, so here is a picture by Peter in the Beauport group so you can see how high we were.

So we were breaking the snow to make it better for snowboarding down, and I was half way up the second ramp, and my fear of heights and rickety structures kinda struct me so I got down and said I was finished.
So that night we finished about 9:00 a yellow toque, a large lunch, and 5 hours of snow chopping/softening/shovelling later. After the days events I spent on average 7 hours outside because I finished work before volunteering started and it was a 5 minute walk away from my workplacement, going home would have been a waste.
On thursday was our last french lesson ever and MK made it special by making it sugar shack themed. She played us cool songs, taught us the history of the sugar shack, and she MADE us traditional maple syrup on snow!
MK was certainly one of the best teachers I've had, and THE ONE who made the most effort into making lessons that I've ever seen. Our french activities were always tons of fun, always interesting and taught us a lot. Love this girl.
Then on Saturday was our excursion...
Now, origionally the idea was to go dog sledding, ice fishing and snow shoeing, however due to unknown reasons and not a big enough budget, this turned into just ice-fishing. Me and Sarah are vegetarians and very clearly did not want to ice-fish, but somehow our group excursion which was meant to be more of a group activity was instead made so that not everyone could participate. In my opinion, ice-fishing for Sarah and I went against our beliefs and was not just a case of the 'I don't want to's' so we both were a bit upset that it was an activity we had no choice but not to participate in. We went anyways with no alternative plans to do; there is only so much you can do in an ice fishing village. For the first hour me and Sarah sat in the cabin where the people who icefish eat their lunches in. Then I remembered the van was unlocked so we sat there for another hour. Sara eventually joined. She couldn't handle when they caught a fish, put it in a bucket with no water and had to watch it suffocate to death and when she mentioned something about it, our project leader stating, "That's the point - For it to die." Let ME mention, that when we planned the activity the idea was to catch the fish and let them go. Upon ice-fishing it changed to catch the fish, kill them, and bring them home with us to cook in the house.
We ate lunch where Brandon got creative and mixed Mayonaise and Jam sandwich and a Peanut Butter and Mustard Sandwich.
After me and Sara(h)*2 Returned to the van where our project leader came and told us that our chosen activity for the afternoon was unacceptable. Instead we were expected to walk around an ice-fishing pond for 2 hours.
So we sat in the park for 15 minutes and returned to the lunch eating cabin.
After the drive home where we enjoyed the company of about 8 dead fish in a plastic bag, we had a discussion with our PL and he said we almost got warnings for participation because we did not make alternate arrangements for our excursion other than sitting in a van. Apparently we were expected to go to Mountain Equipment Co-op on our own time, use our own money that would later be expensed to rent snow shoes and then snow shoe from 10 am to 2 pm. Give, me, a break.
I really don't care, give me a punishment for avoiding an activity that goes against my beliefs, and then am forced to take my own time and effort to arrange my other favourite type of activity of the physical nature. UGGH.
Then we went and watched the Snowboard Jamboree which I turned out discovering is actually a worldwide competition, it was cool to watch but I was really surprised when half them would fall, I just had it in my mind that snowboarders like, always landed their jumps, LOL. But it was cool, a Canadian won, so yay Canada!
Alright, time to make my powerpoint... Katelyn requests shoutouts to..
her parents! Hey Momma and Poppa Wilson! I have your house number now! Ahaha, maybe I'll call you! Ahaha.
Shout out to Bonhomme, who I know is reading this from his ice palace! Ahaha.
Thanks for reading, 9 days left tomorrow I think it is!
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