Sorry I didnt do these when I said rents, I got caught up in an adventure instead!
So the last few days of Vanderhoof were spent celebrating, cleaning and crying. The three c's I guess.
Isaac turned 18 and Sarah turned 19 so we baked them each a cake!!
Then packing ensued. And packing is a huge job considering we had done it three months before, and since then we had all bought and recieved various things so it made it harder to fit everything inside our luggage. As can be seen here, packing makes one incredibly tired.
While cleaning we also discovered that our dining room table was used to leave messages behind from all the past katimavikers in the house so a few of us left our mark.
We also decided to be more environmently friendly and we all went to timmies on such a regular basis so we invested in traveller mugs and we made one last visit to timmies as one big group, then madeness insued as half the group was hyped on coffee. Slug wars, chasing eachother and matching PJs included.
Mel-mel also gave each of us a card and a present and she gave me one of her super cute shirt that she said in the first week I complimented her on, and a deep redish black nailpolish. I gave her the scarf my mom knitted and she was over the moon and just ooed and awed over every little detail. She loved it, thanks mam!!
On the Monday before we left Reg dropped by to say bye and he gave me an amazingly nice letter, and a carving of his aborigional clans symbol that he carved himself. It's beautiful. He was such a great guy to work with and I learnt so, so much from him.
After a bit more cleaning Mel said she had to go and we gathered for a picture, had multiple group hugs, made a little tower for her to run over and me and Katey had a rather tearful goodbye.
End of rotation reflection was only a day and a half long and went by pretty quickly in between making goodbye presents for our pls, having snow ball fights, skating and eating mass suppers. It was hectic having our PL ripped away from us and then having Quesnel in our house but I survived it. We woke up on Tuesday morning at 3 am, packed up a yellow school bus, and headed off to Prince George at 4am.
We got to the airport at 5, and flew from PG to Van and once we got to Van we were informed that our flight to Montreal was cancelled so we had to call the katimavik travel people and flew from van to toronto, toronto to montreal.
While flying a saw a MOUNTAIN poking out from the clouds which was amazing because I had no idea a mountain could be so tall!!
While flying from Van to Toronto we noticed that our flight map began to look a bit strange and noticed we were flying through the United States. Slightly alarmed and after a mini panic attack, Sara asked our flight attendant why and he said its because its fast to eastern canada over the USA but it's still kinda weird when your screen looks like this and you're trying to get to toronto:
When we got off the plane in Montreal we met up with the Victoriaville and Levis group and we got on the bus and drove from Montreal, to Victoriaville, to Levis to Ste-Foy and we got on the bus at 8:15 pm and got to our house at 1:00 am. At certain points in the bus ride the music blaring loud and I could not even hear myself think over the two French DJs who would announce the next Celine Dion song. :P
Our new PL is named Stephane and he is super cool. Me and Evelyne stayed up and talked with him until 3 am and went to sleep.
Duh duh duh.. next post! Stay tuned for pictures of house, and old quebec and two volunteering oppertunities, and work placements!!
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