Where I left off is probably a tour of the house.
Now the group before us deemed it the crack house or the crayon box, and the reason why is because it's super cute, tiny, and cozy, and each room has at least one wall that is painted a random colour, for instance my bedroom has 3 white walls and 1 bright green wall. Anyhow, this is the bedroom I share with Sara(h) Squared.
Mine is the bottom bunk.
This is the boys bedroom. There is 5 beds in this room and I couldn't fit them all in one picture and the boys bedroom is not worth two pictures so shabam.
This is Evelyne and Zoe's and Kates room.
This is our hallway, our room is on the left, the boys on the right and when you turn around its the same thing but the PLs bedroom, the other girls room and the bathroom.
This is our living room
And this is the risk room because its only ever used for risk.
And I'm just going to leave the kitchen and dining room up for interpretation.
It's a cute house, and I'm starting to learn that
a. you can hear every single breath in this house, soooo unsound proof.
b. the floor right in front of my room moans when you stand on it
c. the sink in the upstairs washroom makes a noise when you turn it on
d. the hot water runs out after 2 showers
e. that my bedroom door squeals if you open it slowly
But its all good, ahaha, it's a cute, vintage house.
Stay posted. Round two comin' this way.
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