So today has been a really good day!
I went to work and had to do donations the whole morning which I don't really like, but I got to eat lunch with Marc-Andre and then we worked in our homeless shelters second hand store.
Now this second hand store is in a backround in Old Quebec in a sort of warehouse with no heat and the pathways inbetween clothing is really narrow, but this place is pretty cool.
The homeless or people with low finicial incomes can come to the store for 2 hours a day and pick out clothes, blankets, jackets, shoes etc and take it for free.
Marc-Andre would write down the person's name and what they were taking and I would put the clothes they wanted in a 2nd hand shopping bag.
I really loved it because I actually got to interact with people, and smile at them and practice my French as I put the clothes in the bag.
It was also really eye opening to actually see people picking out their clothes and coming up to us. It really showed me how much I have.
Some of them didn't need bags because they simply wore their choices out of the store. :( One man came in and left wearing a new jacket and boots and that unfortunately meant he came in without wearing any.
The one man came to me after Marc-Andre left and clearly less fortunate, he tried to buy all the free clothes he chose. That just melted my heart, especially after he told us he wanted to donate the money to us anyways for helping him out.
Take a moment every now and then when you're treking through the snow I know is all over the place think how that would feel without boots or a jacket.
And exciting tid-bit, I got one of my friends back home to talk to my old French teacher and tell him how I've been living in Quebec City and gone to Carnaval etc, and he wants me to come in March and give all his classes presentations! I am so excited!!
As well Sarah got a package today, and when she opened it there was a present for me, her and Sara!!! So she called us over we opened them and her mom and omi sent us chocolate and valentines!!!!
It was the sweetest thing ever and we called them on speakerphone and freaked out. They are soooo cutteeeee! (:
Thanks for reading,
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