Such a big part of me cannot even comprehend how close to the end of the program I even am, and the other part of me is sad to go but will not miss the expired food at work, the only one who works at work, having only 12 hours free time a WEEK, and being woken up by carnaval horns and wrestling, every, single, afternoon.
I've kinda given up on the sleeping thing.
But I really am going to miss having a permanent sleep over and painting nails with Sara(h)*2, and going into old Quebec just for work, and conversations with everyone after night time timmies runs... there are so many things that are just so Katimavik that just happen that you don't even realize you'll miss until they aren't around anymore.
But another part of me won't mind washing 3-4 plates IN A DISHWASHER instead of 12 by hand, or sleeping on a real bed instead of a plastic matress in a sweaky bunk, or get PAID for working, or getting my licence and seeing my dog...
I'm also really excited to start seriously working on my memoir, and yes... attempt to get it published, and I'm also wanting to write letters to Roo and the Sara(h)s, because I'm going to put so much thought and love into them. I'm also going to write a personalized letter to each member of my group once Katimavik is over to thank them for the experience they contributed to.
On Sunday I think it was, the best thing that could ever happen did!
I really wanted a picture with the real bonhomme because I really, really love him. But it was the last day of carnaval and it just wasn't going to happen. So me and Sarah went to the ice Palace to take a picture with the fake one, and I did, and all was swell.
I accepted this, and was happy, at last I had a picture with A bonhomme..
After both Sarah and I didn't feel like going home just yet, so we decided to go to the Plains of Abraham where more of the carnaval is. Since it was the last day almost no-one was there and it was nice compared to the first time where we went where there were swarms of people. Then we saw a little marching band and we're like oh that's cute... but then I remembered that the last marching band we saw had Bonhomme at the end of it. I didn't get my hopes up but I used the zoom on my camera and guess what I saw...
So I almost start hyperventilating/crying at for normal, flashback to the first time I ever saw him. aahhaa.
So me and Sarah follow him and the little tractor he's riding on and being are singing this goodbye bonhomme song and he's waving and dancing so we scored a couple of good photos with him the backround and then I attempted and succeeded. LOOK AT THIS.
Don't even pretend you're not jealous.
I also screamed "Joyeux Carnaval Bonhomme J'taime!" and he said
"J'taime Aussi!" (Which mean's I love you too.)
So... basically best day of life and I'm framing that when I get home.
As pay back to Sarah for being a legit photographer I paid her in Subway and Second Cup. (:
Also today, a man came in to the second hand store and started talking to me and I talked to him all in French and he said that he was a Quebec Loyalist/Seperatist and that he was fine with me because I spoke French well, so I'm glad that I'm kinda okay at French! Ahaha. Enough to be accepted by the locals? Aha.
Anyhow I miss you guys, will try to keep you updated, tomorrow we volunteer for the well known Snowboard Jamboree, and so I will try to take pics, and I don't know my travel iteneary yet, so still don't know my details of getting home or anything but yeah!
See you guys in 14 days. Hope you had a good Valentines.
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