Yesterday we did Quebecadabra or something like this, and you wander the streets of Old Quebec to see Christmas past, present and future. The day consisted more of wandering arouund being tourists as Christmas past and present seemed impossible to find, and Christmas future presenting a good dancing area. This was my day.

This church was absolutely beatiful inside. I asked MA how old it was and he figured it out for me and said 340 years!!
This wall I have seen in many the postcard, and it was really cool to actually see the actual thing in real life aha.

This is the market of old Quebec. It's huge and gorgeous and I'm going to go back and get this beautiful ring I wanted.

This is just a beautiful view of old Quebec, no big.

We met up with Beauport, and Levis, but BEAUPORT, at the market and proceeded to the Chistmas Laborynth, clearly made for children or short people like myself, as one could see through and above all the christmas trees which created the maze. :P Oh well. Good times all around.

At the end of the laborynth we found my midget house! Look how happy I am to be home!

And this folks, is apparently our Christmas future, riding stationary bikes to create energy to light our recycled metal tree... we were discussing the issues surrounding this for instance a grandfathers desire to light the christmas tree and biking past is capabilities and getting a heart attack. Bad idea we think. So instead we ran around in dramatic circles around the tree but stopped pretty soon as the security was getting uptight. Especially since Brandon climbed into an empty swimming pool and was threatened with a call to the police... ahaha.

We later discovered that on the 3rd floor of this building there was free hot chocolate and fidding music. A few of the boys let go of their festive side and showed us some dance moves. Ahaha wasn't really my cup of tea :P

This was awesome, the typical maple syrup and snow, but rolled up on a stick!!! Almost everyone got one! (: It was really cool to watch how they made them.

Katelyn claims to be the queen of chocolate/sugary things, but she couldn't even finish her stick, such a poser! ahaha.

And we ended this amazing touristy day with the ultimate touristy activity! BEAVERTAILS! Thank goodness I shared with Katelyn because I would have died if I ate a whole one. That's right folks, (and mom plug your ears, or eyes or whatever... ) this is deepfried goodness with icing and crushed oreos..

Later that night me and Katelyn got creative and designed Monday nights with KK/K squared and we ate chocolate, and applied face masks. Don't be jealous.

And then today we get to watch a french movie at the movie theatre! Woooo! Hope I don't fall asleep! JK JK JK JK It's a learning experience I know!!
XoXo Thanks for reading, stay tuned, (50 hits off of 2000 views!) (:
Just wondering. What religion are you?