I last posted on Halloween which was Sunday, but not too much has happened since then except returning in the Katima house!!!
Billeting was a really interesting experience, and I'm pretty sure they designed billeting to be just so, that everyone is a tad bit grateful to return home. I had the ultimate pleasure of staying with Clara and Jorma down the street.
On Thursday, MA and Ryan came to visit me, and MA declared the stuffed cat in my billet bedroom to be the billeting mascot.
While MA was leaving, he cleverly changed my do not disturb sign to this:
I found it a bit later, and it was just uber funny as our last day of billeting was Friday. And don't get me wrong, billeting was tres fab, but we were all ready to get back home. (Except Sara(h) squared, leaving their billets were painful due to their extreme epic-ness in the areas of crochet and east indian cuisine.)
I will miss small things, like this poster that was in my billet bathroom:
And I will miss hearing interesting stories fromm Jorma and Clara's cheese biscuits.
Thanks Jorma and Clara!
So we returned to the Katima house yesterday at 7 pm, (except for Zoe who came home at 9!!) and we played Vanderfarm and drank Chai and Hot chocolate, but not mixed.
Reunited and it feels so gooood!!
Then this morning half of us went to help a man move wood and do yard work, and my half went to continue the mural.
New additions include Train, Fish, Sky Scrapers, Effiel Tower, Red Square, Totem pole, People, Cohesive sky, tea cups and China Palace.
This is clearly the face of an artist
Edmonton! Jk, represent!! I painted this. (: (This is why it sucks)
Then me and Sara ditched to get today's food goin'. We have reverted to homeade bread since we are no longer able to eat store bought bread from our billet houses lol. (Homemade bread is better anyways, I don't care what anyone says.)
It feels so good to be home with my Katima Fam.
Oh and by the way, today my blog hit 1000 views!!!
Thank you SO MUCH to anyone who takes any kind of time out of their day to visit this blog, especially when I'm neglectful and don't take time to update.
Spread the loveeeeee! <3
You must be so happy to be hooome. I remember the first time my group got back together after billeting - you learn to appreciate each other SO much more!