The class really listened when it came time for my story, and they wrote in the evaluations that they liked my story so that was pretty awesome.
On my way home from work I was greated by the surrounding beauty of Vanderhoof.
Then I walked to the post office to collect an amazing package from my lovely parents... and MA had two amazing looking pizzas ready for supper!!
After supper we went to the Neighbourhood Space for open mic-night and a few local talents came out to play. My favourites were Rosewood's Diary, and Isaac from our group!!!
We returned home where Brandon had a bet going with Jared and Isaac that he could finish two entire boxes of craft dinner in one sitting.
Dispite popular belief he was unsuccesful..
The next morning we headed out to PG with Jorma and Clara as our resource drivers.
The day consisted of the public library where I wrote a letter to my lovely sister..
the art gallery and the swimming pool.
The evenings now a days consist of knitting. And knitting, and kinda more knitting. Thanks Mam, for sending more yarn to fuel their productive habit!
Then today we worked on a project where we each had a puzzle pieced shape of this piece of wood board, where we did art/collage/poetry to represent our time in Vanderhoof and our memories. It worked out super well and everyone is super talented, especially in the art of the crayon. And we all know how good I am at art despite my almost near failure of the class in Jr.High so I did poetry instead.
The poem on mine I wrote today and is as follows:
'Accidental discovery of self, purposeful adventure, put rediculous fears on the shelf, regardless of risky venture. Live with 12, people unknown, share a bedroom with a few, always together, feels like home, the feelings of security are true. Food to eat, sleep in a bed, an unpaid job in the day, a safe place to clear the head. You can't imagine life a better way, the longer you live the life the more you absolutely love, you learn to avoid constant strife and the casual un-dreamed of. This is Katimavik, 2 jobs, 2 places, it teaches more than expected, a life of repetition it soon replaces and leaves the individual permanently affected.' - Kyra
Then we went skating and now we're back home where majority of people are knitting, and Sara is clearly hyped on coffee and laughing hysterically.
This is our last week in Vanderhoof and while that's hard to believe, it's still insane that we have 5 more days of work, and 9 more days to get through here.
We love Quesnel, but let's just say we're getting all of peaceful quality time now because when you put 25 people in one house, and not enough room at the dining room table you get mayhem and eating supper on the kitchen floor. All of next week is going to be spent debreifing, and cooking meals for the Quebec group and cleaning behind large kitchen appliances. Soon we will revert to living out of our suitcases, doing mass amounts of laundry and noise and commotion. I'll miss Vanderhoof but it's time to go. If only Mel could come with us..
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