Saturday, October 16, 2010

House Tour!

So we officially have like 1 month and 1/2 here in Vanderhoof, and I still haven't done a house tour, how rude of me. :P
This is our bedroom. I'm on the top right hand bunk. Sara is on the left bottom, Sarah left top, Zoe on right bottom.

This is our messy dining room after a snack of fruit and random pumpkin pie. ahaha

Welcome to our huge kitchen. Unfortunately you cannot appreciate it to it's full extent because Jared demanded he be a part of the photograph.

This is our living room. My favourite has got to be the epic 70s couch. Well, not really. Its really low to the ground and you don't expect it so you just fall into it pretty much..

This is our fly collage wall. Melissa being the artist she is suggested we build a wall of pictures and seeing as national geo is the only magazine you can get your hands on in this small town most of the pics are fromm all over the world.

This is our computer room but it's useless to me because I have an epic notebook that I use at the dining room table.

Alright, and then yesterday Reg was nice enough to let us and some youth from the community come to the Neighbourhood Space and listen to a presentation about diversity and anti-racism and then eat pizza and pop and then we watched Splice the movie and it's pretty much the worst movie I have ever, ever, seen. So don't watch it EVER.

And Anne-Rose's adorable mother baked the Katimavik kids a cake for last night! Soo cuteee! Thank-you Anne-Rose's mom!!

And last night, again we must have been extremely tired as our little sleepy head fell asleep again! I always take advantage of such amazing oppertunities and Zoe took a photo. Mwaaha.

Alright, and on top of all of this awesomeness, I had an epic day.
So it all started with me having to clean up the neighbourhood space alone after the party. The best finds were a greasy napkin in a brochure for a local organization, and about 3 full cans of pop that were opened but never drank... I swept and cleaned and then Reg came around and mopped up the whole place. It looks pretty spiffy now.
A little later into the day we get this mysterious phone call, (I still don't know who it's from) and I just didn't answer it because if Reg is there, the phone is always for Reg. Me answering the phone is basically useless. However this time he answered it and it was for me!!! Some lady who remains nameless as I have no idea who she is called me slightly frantic and said that down at the Health Unit they were doing precautionary mammograms to detect breast cancer and the ladies that usually help out were all unavalible and then someone suggested to her that there was a Katimavik volunteer at the Neighbourhood Space and that she really needed help. So I asked Reg and then ran home and asked Melissa and they said it was fine so at 12:30 I walked over to the Health Unit and I basically did a lot of medical paper work and talked to the ladies as they came in. The nurses too were super super nice and they were both uber interested in Katimavik so I had an oppertunity to tell them all about it. As well as this I met a South African doctor with the same last name as my Aunts Daughter LOL, AND it turns out dad, that she was born in the same hospital as us! "The one in Pretoria with all the nuns" ahahaha. So that was really, really cool. After that was over and it flew by because my mind was actually challenged (because there was so much paper work, all different types and I had to do like 20 things at once and stay organized, soo fun) I walked down the hill and as I was getting to the bridge I was like man, that really looks like M.A, and ooh wow that guy has a cap just like Isaacs.. turned out it was Brandon, Isaac, M.A and Jared making hiking trails and picnic tables for a cool man down here. He told us all about how he used to make hiking trails for a living and how he chainsawed off part of his arm. He also has the sweetest dog EVER. Since they were done their volunteering at 6 and it was 5:45 I just chilled with the guys dog and watched them work, and then Mel picked us all up in the van because she passed her drivers test today!! Yaaaay! We came home and had an amazing meal of Chile and kinda biscuit bread, and then Me and Sara and Kate and Ryan and Eve and Zoe helped set up for the auction/fundraiser for the childrens hospital and tomorrow we get to dress up all fancy and help with the kitchen and coat rooms and I get to do this sweet thing where I sell individual cards from a deck to people for $10 each and then they draw a card and that person wins a diamond ring! Anyways it looks gorgeous in there and it took like 2 hrs to set up and I wish I brought my camera but I'll have my camera tomorrow so it's all good. Basically to sum it up, today was an EPIC day and I am happy. Tomorrow will be great too, this weekend we have a lot of spare time because we bascially volunteer all our spare time away. (: Anyhow, stay awesome guys.

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