So on Friday me and Mel stayed up until 4 in the morning talking about life and such and it was a really great time because I learnt a lot and have found that I've been complaining a lot less over the last couple of days, because I don't see much worth behind it anymore.
Josh who we met and became friends with at the Children's benefit came over for breakfast Saturday morning and I showed off the impressive hostessing skills when Jared had to come wake me up because my guest had arrived ahaha.
Katey and Zoe made some awesome crepes and MA, Katey and Ryan got creative with the extra cream and had a sort of battle thing going on. Silly billies <3
Saturday we took shifts and part of the group painted the mural at the neighbourhood space in the morning to mid-afternoon and the other half of us went to paint a bit more and clean up.
A paint war ensued, but I did not participate, well a bit, but I didn't look like I crawled out of a swamp or anything like some people *Cough* M.a, Sarah, Isaac *Cough* did. :P Why they used like swamp green is past me.
Saturday night after supper me and Ryan and M.A and Sarah and Evelyne went and ate Nachos and Cake at Rickys LOL, I think we just wanted to see what it was like and it was not as sketch as we previously expected it to be! Ahaha
Sunday we cleaned, ran errands, got our billet stuff ready and packed and then we started to slowly be torn apart as our various billet families showed up. Jared was gone first then Katey and then everyone started disapearing. Near the beginning we arranged hug lines, and everyone lined up to hug the person leaving us, but this method kinda disapeared as more families showed up at once, and my billet families dog was running around our kitchen, and 20 bodies were jammed into the front entrance. My Billet house is seriously down the street from the Katima house, and now I live even closer to my job. I live with a couple named Jorma and Clara and their doggy Molly. Aaannnd I basically live in luxary, as I have my own room, with a huge bed equipped with heated blankets, access to a flat screen with satelitte and really tastey food. Clara is an amazing cook and has already treated me to potatoes, veggies, and chicken wings, and cheesey, shrimp, dilly rice the night before, oh and cinnamon buns!
On Tuesday night Katey and Jared came over and watched a movie at my billet house and then I walked them to volleyball, and then went on a lovely, refreshing walk around v-hoof for 40 minutes.
My billet bed is legit comfy, and I'm taking advantage of this by going to bed around 10 or 11 instead of 1 or 2, and it's quite nice, yet dangerous as I'm reminding my body what sleep is, and this is unacceptable, lol!
Thanks for reading. Love y'all.
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