I know you can't really fail an evaluation, you can just do badly on it, but seriously. You don't even understand... It was B- to the -rutal.
Firstly, he called me while I was at school the other day so I had to call him back, which made it 50 times more nerve wracking because I had to go through the whole dialing the number and waiting for him to answer business.
I really wanted to do well, honestly, so this is why I wrote down some basic questions I could just tell he would ask me. I had taken french 10 and knew some basics.
So I finally work up the courage and dial this freakin' long number. I do this and get his answering machine so slightly relieved I went downstairs and told my parents, too bad, no go he wasn't there but my mother ordered me to try again. So I did... and he answered that time. ):
So he answers...
Him: Bonjour!
Me: Comma Ca va?
Him: Bien, et vous?
Me: Bien, Merci.
Him: So what's your name?
Me: Kyra
Him: Alright, I'm going to ask you a series of questions. It doesn't really matter what you say, but how you say it in full sentences.
Me: (nervous laugh) I can't speak in full sentences...
Him: First question, Quel est votre nom?
Me: I'm sorry, I don't know.
Him: I'm going to say it again. (He does)
Me: Sorry.. I still don't know.
Him: That question was, what is your name?
Me: (laughing awkwardly) Oooh.. okay.
Him: Do you know how to answer that question?
Me: Je m'appelle Kyra?
Him: Oui. Next question, Quel jour est-il aujourd'hui ?
Me: Uhh....
Him: Quel jour est-il aujourd'hui ?
Me: Are you asking me my age?
Him: No, I'll say it slower. Quel... jour.... est-il... aujourd'hui?
Me: I don't know!
Him: The question was, what is today's date?
Me: Oooh...
Him: Next question, Avez-vous jamais pris une classe française?
Me: Okay.. I seriously have no idea.
Him: Avez-vous jamais pris une classe française?
Me: Something to do with French? (Dorky laugh)
Him: Yes... what else? Avez-vous jamais pris une classe française?
Me: I'm really bad at this...
Him: That question was have you ever taken French classes before?
Me: Yes, for 4-5ish months at the introductory level so I know my days of the week, months, family members, weather and I can count to thirty.
Him: Alright this is the conclusion of the interview. You should be notified of your placements on the 15th of June. Any questions?
Me: I'm sorry that I'm so bad!
Him: It's alright. Goodbye
Me: Byee... ):
I seriously felt like the biggest loser ever. I thought what is your name had the word m'appelle in it.. but when he asked it, he didn't use it in that form so I didn't recognize it, and I thought he was asking about my age because I had the list of questions on my desk and it kinda sounded like it. Basically I did not impress myself and he probably thought I was crazy. The scale is on 0-10, and I don't think I got 0, but if I got a 2, I would impress myself. LOL Oh well, it doesn't affect my placement or anything, they just do French evaluations before and after in order to see the improvements made during the program to present to the government to show that progress and learning takes place in Katimavik. Ahaha.. but still I can't get that... "Something to do with French?" out of my head. DUH!!!
Anyhow, last night was our Commencement!! That means banquet is in two days! My sister is coming from three hours away to do my hair and makeup and come to the banquet and the limo is booked and paid for and I have all my accessories! But commencement was pretty sweet. Those caps are so intense and so hard to keep on your head! It's tight and suction cups itself to your head and at the same time is constantly wants to fall off. But I did not trip, fall, or make a fool of myself on stage that I know of which is pretty awesome. I didn't really get as many photos as I wanted to, but the ones I did get turned out. I'll pop a few on here.

I looked so short in my cap and gown but that's okay, because I am short.

I am uber excited however. It is now June!
This means:
Banquet: 2 Days
Locations: 14 Days
Highschool Done: 23 days
Depature: 98 Days
Can you spell E-P-I-C? <3

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