So I leave on Wednesday and it is really early Monday morning right now. I cannot believe how busy I have been! I worked my last day at work on Friday. Its so weird not having a job, I'm confused and am like what am I doing then? I've been trying to hangout with my friends and with the 2.5 days I have left in Edmonton I'm gonna try and hangout with 4 or 5 aha, on top of that finish my room, finalize my packing and do all 20 things on my to do list. In 2.5 days LOL.
I'm getting more pumped though but the closer it comes to the time the more I realize that I'm going to miss my family so, so much.
Everytime I laugh with my parents and am just myself, I'm sad a little bit because I realize that its honestly going to be such a long time before I can do that again. I know I'm going to email, write and skype 'em but its not the same as being there with them. But you cannot live with your parents forever and if you miss them, visit them right? A man at church today came to talk to me and he said that when you're away from people you learn to love them more and I just know that is going to be so true.
I got my hair cut and dyed and it feels so, so, short. I seriously miss my long hair, like ALOT but at least it will grow back? Ahh.. :(
Carlin and Sheldon came to dinner tonight and I got some more music from itunes, did a couple of loads of laundry and pre-packed. My room really just needs a vaccum and bed change and should be good to go.
But I knew this rushing around would happen in the long run because not having to work has been so so nice, and so I've been chillin more than anything. FB and itunes are my worst enemies rigt now because I just spend all my time on that... somehow...
Yeh and turns out I bought TOO MANY new clothes.. thats just rediculous and my mother says to take them all would be a waste so.. that kinda annoys me but whatever.
The ride to Vanderhoof I thought was 2.5 hours but its 4.5! You know how crazy that is? Like driving to Calgary or Drumheller is 3. B.C is big! Or Vanderhoof is even more in the middle of nowhere than I thought..? But we are getting a coach and driving from like 9 or something so I just think its going to fun as long as people arent being grouchy and moaning about sleep. Screw that, you're on an adventure, work with it. (: