Kay, so... I'm leaving in 9 days!! That's right! N-I-N-E.
A week and 3 days. 3x3. 1x9. 8+1. You get the point.
At this part of the game, I do not have that much left to do surprisingly.
I expected there would be a lot left over and not enough time but I'm feelin' good.
I basically have to pack, and clean my room uber well.
I did however make a schedule of the 9 remaining days I have left here and what
I am going to do on those particular days to ensure I can leave on a fairly organized and sane matter.
Tomorrow/today... I have to call my cell phone company and pay my last bill. It's been taking forever and so far has taken 3 different phone calls. Just to pay my last phone bill. "Ooh.. sorry, it's not in the system.." "Ohh.. call back next week sometime.." "Oooh.. you're moving? You can still stay with our company!"
I also have to call Katimavik. Yeh, I know I'm being annoying about the criminal record check but seriously? 9 days is not a very long time, a week in a half.. before I move provinces and I'm 'technically' not allowed to yet. I don't like that insecure what if feeling. It's retarded and I hope it gets cleared up asap.
I like how I know my Katimavik address now.. it's all good to know where I'm going to be living finally. And my PL actually sounds really, really nice and was actually so good at answering every single question I had.
I have three more shifts left at work, and they are perfect and are giving me a taste of every type of shift before I go. One open, one close, one overtime.
I get my hair epically cut on Thurs, and lemme tell you it's way over due. My hair is freakin' long.. plus the last time I got anything done to it was the end of May!
I've also been lucky to hang out with a couple of my good friends lately, but there are still a few I really wanna see before I go, and hopefully according arrangements can be made.
I think I've bought almost everything I need for my trip too. If I sit here and think of something I need besides winter boots, I can't think of anything, and a friend is letting me try hers on Thurs. Fingers crossed that they work.
I kinda wish I was leaving at some insane hour of the morning/night for my flight instead of the middle of the afternoon... because that's more exciting.. the way it's set up for me now is going to force me to be antsy and sit around and wait until it's time to go to the airport and I just know it's going to drive me insane.. but at least I can have one last epic sleep in before I go?
I think it's gonna be crazy when we all show up there like 2 in the morning.. trying to decide whose room is whose.. and finding a place to crash.. I think basically it's going to be an interesting time. I think I'm going to be a fan of this time change, gaining an hour of sleep is fine by me. (:
I also looked up the distance between the house and the church and it's a 40 minute walk and I can't take rides from non Katimavik people so I'm sorry hooped. We'll see what happens though.
I also finished personal progress. Take that!!
Well... gotta get up to make some phone calls tomorrow so I'm heading to bed. Come on 9 days.. speed past so I can start my adventure!!
OH & does anyone actually read this? (besides my mom? lol)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Too.. much... to... update!!
AHHH I don't know where to start really.
Okay, how about.. my last day of work was supposed to be the 31st of Aug but now it is the 3rd of September. I'm helping my boss out because she was a little short. But it's overtime, so I really don't mind the extra money.
Lately I've been talking to Ryan in my group a lot which is pretty cool.
I got my flight information on Katimaroute along with my plane ticket. I'm leaving Edmonton at about 430 in the afternoon and flying from Edmonton to Vancouver, and then meet up with Ryan in Vancouver and then fly to Prince George and then drive a couple of hours to Vanderhoof.
My PL emailed me! She let me know after I asked a few questions what the houses address is, we're going to have wireless internet, there is a separate washroom for the boys and one for the girls. Girls rooms are main floor, boys rooms are upstairs. Large living room and kitchen. All mail gets sent to the post office, not the Katima house. Mass O is being held at OUR HOUSE. For 2 days and 1 night.
How epic is this?? Ahh.
Today I went shopping with Carlin and bought a new Matt and Nat purse to go with my new Matt and Nat wallet.
I have 11 days left in Edmonton and 4 days left at work. Uhmm... Yay? <3
Feast your eyes on this baby.
Okay, how about.. my last day of work was supposed to be the 31st of Aug but now it is the 3rd of September. I'm helping my boss out because she was a little short. But it's overtime, so I really don't mind the extra money.
Lately I've been talking to Ryan in my group a lot which is pretty cool.
I got my flight information on Katimaroute along with my plane ticket. I'm leaving Edmonton at about 430 in the afternoon and flying from Edmonton to Vancouver, and then meet up with Ryan in Vancouver and then fly to Prince George and then drive a couple of hours to Vanderhoof.
My PL emailed me! She let me know after I asked a few questions what the houses address is, we're going to have wireless internet, there is a separate washroom for the boys and one for the girls. Girls rooms are main floor, boys rooms are upstairs. Large living room and kitchen. All mail gets sent to the post office, not the Katima house. Mass O is being held at OUR HOUSE. For 2 days and 1 night.
How epic is this?? Ahh.
Today I went shopping with Carlin and bought a new Matt and Nat purse to go with my new Matt and Nat wallet.
I have 11 days left in Edmonton and 4 days left at work. Uhmm... Yay? <3
Feast your eyes on this baby.

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Time goes by, so slow-ly.
So... I have 18 days left in E-town, and 8 days left to work at my job.
Yesterday it seemed like such a short time, and today, it feels like it will last FOREVERRR.
Gr. The fires in BC have created obscene amounts of smoke over here and it made it hard to see and breathe on Thursday, so that was pretty crazy. Thursday night I had my little planet going away party, and it was good. I just chose a crappy crappy day to do it, everyone was broke because it was the day before pay day and it was uber smokey outside. Julios was packed, but we got our big usual table almost right away so that was good. After me and Lisa just cabbed home.
Kristen gave me an amazing card filled with Spanish love songs, and Nicole gave me an awesome organizer for Katimavik. My resignation was officially handed in a few days ago and after my very short shift today, I will only have 7 days, (not including days off) until I am done working at Planet forever. Truth be told I'm kinda glad, because a lot of things about Planet have been bothering me lately. I'm getting frustrated and down, and in reality I'm just glad that I don't have to stay there for much longer.
Another thing that's pretty cool is we've been thinking about how when I come back from Katimavik I'm going to have to do the reverse of what I'm doing now. Instead of ending my entire life, I get to restart it and get a new phone and a new plan, and a new job... that's sort of exciting to me. I'm always looking ahead, not really at the right now, so maybe that's something that I should try to do. My parents are suggesting that when I move back home afterwards that I will have to pay rent. I tell them if they're lucky that I'll come back in the first place. :P Ahaha.
I also got my ID in the mail yesterday and since I got it issued before my 18th birthday there is huge printing on the bottom that says KYRA MULLER WILL BE UNDER 18 UNTIL THE 17th OF AUGUST 2010. It's like really? That's gonna be printed huge on the bottom of my ID until I'm 23? That's great guys. I turned 18 before I even got my ID.
My criminal record check = STILL NOT CLEARED. Ahh.. makes me so nervous but apparently Alberta police are back logged. Anybody who has anything to do with scouts needs a criminal record check and it needs to be ready by the 1st of Sept. I need a criminal record check ready by about the same time, so this is just ridiculous. Stupid scouts.
Yesterday it seemed like such a short time, and today, it feels like it will last FOREVERRR.
Gr. The fires in BC have created obscene amounts of smoke over here and it made it hard to see and breathe on Thursday, so that was pretty crazy. Thursday night I had my little planet going away party, and it was good. I just chose a crappy crappy day to do it, everyone was broke because it was the day before pay day and it was uber smokey outside. Julios was packed, but we got our big usual table almost right away so that was good. After me and Lisa just cabbed home.
Kristen gave me an amazing card filled with Spanish love songs, and Nicole gave me an awesome organizer for Katimavik. My resignation was officially handed in a few days ago and after my very short shift today, I will only have 7 days, (not including days off) until I am done working at Planet forever. Truth be told I'm kinda glad, because a lot of things about Planet have been bothering me lately. I'm getting frustrated and down, and in reality I'm just glad that I don't have to stay there for much longer.
Another thing that's pretty cool is we've been thinking about how when I come back from Katimavik I'm going to have to do the reverse of what I'm doing now. Instead of ending my entire life, I get to restart it and get a new phone and a new plan, and a new job... that's sort of exciting to me. I'm always looking ahead, not really at the right now, so maybe that's something that I should try to do. My parents are suggesting that when I move back home afterwards that I will have to pay rent. I tell them if they're lucky that I'll come back in the first place. :P Ahaha.
I also got my ID in the mail yesterday and since I got it issued before my 18th birthday there is huge printing on the bottom that says KYRA MULLER WILL BE UNDER 18 UNTIL THE 17th OF AUGUST 2010. It's like really? That's gonna be printed huge on the bottom of my ID until I'm 23? That's great guys. I turned 18 before I even got my ID.
My criminal record check = STILL NOT CLEARED. Ahh.. makes me so nervous but apparently Alberta police are back logged. Anybody who has anything to do with scouts needs a criminal record check and it needs to be ready by the 1st of Sept. I need a criminal record check ready by about the same time, so this is just ridiculous. Stupid scouts.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Happy Birthday to Meee...

So today is officially my 18th birthday!!
It feels pretty good to be an adult, although it does not feel much different from
when I was 17 yrs of age.
Today I woke up fairly early and went out to lunch with my grade 7 English teacher at the Cactus Cafe, and then she bought me a journal for Katimavik from Chapters.
Then I worked 430 to 930. Cathy + Lauren + Katie made it a good shift (:
Then I came home and the rents had a birthday cake for me!!
I have continued to eat my heart out this evening but that's okay because although it
makes me fat it is one of my most favourite things to do, ever. (: <3
Monday, August 16, 2010
Nothing to Worry About
So I woke up early on my used to be day off so I could call the Katimavik office and see what's going on with my criminal record check. She said I have absolutely nothing to worry about and the fact that it says sent to police is comepletely fine. She says as soon as the police comes back to them with the information they will upload it to Katimaroute.
I also asked how I still don't know where my first house is street address wise and she said that it's up to the regional offices on sending them the information when the area becomes an official destination but she said that would be happening very soon as well. So that's that! I should have nothing to worry about. But you always still worry until its right there in front of you as proof.
I also asked how I still don't know where my first house is street address wise and she said that it's up to the regional offices on sending them the information when the area becomes an official destination but she said that would be happening very soon as well. So that's that! I should have nothing to worry about. But you always still worry until its right there in front of you as proof.
Bday Supper w/ the Fam Jam
So today has been a pretty great day!!
I woke up early (10 am is early for me now a days.. if it's a day off) and baked my own birthday cake, and then lounged around and waited for my sister and her boyfriend to come. However, to my surprise, my oldest sister that lives 3 hrs away and her boyfriend showed up too. My mother is very good at keeping secrets, and family visiting is a fabulous gift for my birthday!!
Cleo was the center of attention more than I, I'd say, she was so cute and my oldest sister wanted to take her home by the end of the night.

Carlin, Cleo + Sheldon

Me with the Journal Hilke got me.

The flowers Hilke brought. So prettty.

This is Hilke attempting to Kidnap our family dog.
Anyhow.. I hand in my resignation at work in on Tues, tues is my b-day and before I work I am going out for lunch with my Jr High school teacher! Should be a good time. (: Anyhow took a shift for someone so I should go to sleep soon. Booh, money is money though right? And I think I'm calling about my CR check tomorrow because I don't like how it's still not cleared, and how I still don't know exactly where in Vanderhoof I'm living.
I woke up early (10 am is early for me now a days.. if it's a day off) and baked my own birthday cake, and then lounged around and waited for my sister and her boyfriend to come. However, to my surprise, my oldest sister that lives 3 hrs away and her boyfriend showed up too. My mother is very good at keeping secrets, and family visiting is a fabulous gift for my birthday!!
Cleo was the center of attention more than I, I'd say, she was so cute and my oldest sister wanted to take her home by the end of the night.

Carlin, Cleo + Sheldon

Me with the Journal Hilke got me.

The flowers Hilke brought. So prettty.

This is Hilke attempting to Kidnap our family dog.
Anyhow.. I hand in my resignation at work in on Tues, tues is my b-day and before I work I am going out for lunch with my Jr High school teacher! Should be a good time. (: Anyhow took a shift for someone so I should go to sleep soon. Booh, money is money though right? And I think I'm calling about my CR check tomorrow because I don't like how it's still not cleared, and how I still don't know exactly where in Vanderhoof I'm living.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Still not here yet???
Birthday in: 2 days
Hand in Resignation in: 2 days
Days of Work Left: 13 days
Get Plane Tickets in: 9 days
BEP Concert in: 7 days
Leaving in: 24 days
Still no go on CR, calling tomorrow.
Makin' me too nervous.
I might look like a rebel but I dun act like one! Lol :P
Hand in Resignation in: 2 days
Days of Work Left: 13 days
Get Plane Tickets in: 9 days
BEP Concert in: 7 days
Leaving in: 24 days
Still no go on CR, calling tomorrow.
Makin' me too nervous.
I might look like a rebel but I dun act like one! Lol :P
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Birthday in: 6 days
Hand in Resignation in: 6 days
Days of Work Left: 16 days
Get Plane Tickets in: 16 days
BEP Concert in: 11 days
Leaving in: 28 days
Shopping with Cally proved succesful as well. I got
Each day of work goes by extremely slowly but I just keep in mind every dollar that I make is every epic thing I buy in Quebec City. :P
Hand in Resignation in: 6 days
Days of Work Left: 16 days
Get Plane Tickets in: 16 days
BEP Concert in: 11 days
Leaving in: 28 days
Shopping with Cally proved succesful as well. I got
- A new wallet
- French English dictionary
- 3 pairs of pj pants
- 3 pairs of jeans
- A skirt
- Leggings
- Legwarmers
- Glasses
Each day of work goes by extremely slowly but I just keep in mind every dollar that I make is every epic thing I buy in Quebec City. :P
Monday, August 9, 2010
Oooh boy.
So I officially have 1 more month in E-town before my big departure.
If you ask me, it cannot come soon enough.
18 more days at work.
8 days until I hand in my resignation/my bday.
17 days until I get my travel info.
Going shopping tomorrow with the BFF to get final things for
the trip like jeans and a French English dictionary...
I need to get my ID ASAP and I have no idea when I am going to get it because
I work a lot this week, and it takes two weeks just to be mailed to me.
Gaahh.. I need to get on that.
AND my criminal record check is still not passed so I'm getting nervous about that.
Maybe my writing was too messy?
Anyhow 1 month. It sounds so long like that. 31 days left. That still sounds long. Gr..
If you ask me, it cannot come soon enough.
18 more days at work.
8 days until I hand in my resignation/my bday.
17 days until I get my travel info.
Going shopping tomorrow with the BFF to get final things for
the trip like jeans and a French English dictionary...
I need to get my ID ASAP and I have no idea when I am going to get it because
I work a lot this week, and it takes two weeks just to be mailed to me.
Gaahh.. I need to get on that.
AND my criminal record check is still not passed so I'm getting nervous about that.
Maybe my writing was too messy?
Anyhow 1 month. It sounds so long like that. 31 days left. That still sounds long. Gr..
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Burried Treasure

Non- Katimavik related...
but how sad is it that Matt & Nat don't make the Japanese Paper style anymore/IMPOSSIBLE to find anywhere... Sigh.
If anyone knows how to get your hands on a legit Japanese Paper Matt & Nat now a days, lemme in on it.
There are two places in Quebec City that has Matt & Nat. I am on the hunt. Ahaha.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sorry Wrong Numba
Phone is OFFICIALLY canceled. As of the 24th of Aug, I will no longer be able to text anyone. And I don't care, because no-one texts me anyways. I talked to Ryan from my group today, and his back check was cleared. Mine still says sent to the police so I'm sure they're having a hard time debating if I'm too much of a rebel to attend Katimavik. A lot still needs to be done, I need a haircut, new jeans, a water bottle and new tooth brush, as well as this I need ID and I guess that better happen soooon!
Phone CanceledGet IDHand in Resignation [14 days]Turn 18 [14 days]- Have Birthday/Going Away Partay
Final Shopping Trip- Get Plane Ticket [23 days]
- Get Hair Cut
- Days until I leave [36]
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