Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Katima-Supper w/ the Edmonton + St. Albert groups!

So a little while ago, I found this blog http://katimameg.blogspot.com . I really liked it and read it until the very end where I realized that she was in Edmonton with her group... right now!! I commented on her post and gave her my email and Meaghan replied and invited me to supper at the Edmonton Katima house! Meaghan was super friendly and eager to answer my questions and her group was very friendly and welcoming as well. They made Shepard's Pie and we ate downstairs in their dysfunctional kitchen and made the food in the functional one. We sat around the eclectic tables and chairs and ate our meal. I think I'm going to see a lot of things of eclectic nature during this program which is sweet. (: All the French participants spoke English very well, and talked with me too which was nice. They had tons of stories which just makes me expect a good time from it all. After supper the St. Albert group came and they were pretty cool too. I baked them all cookies, which yeah did seem kinda hokey... but they spread and ate them like wildfire so either they were being super nice, or the cookies were tasty. (: Overall I had a really good night and I'm lucky because I don't think a lot of people get the chance to spend the evening with two Katima groups in a Katima house before they go on the program. I'm kinda proud of myself that I took that step and took the initiative to try and meet Katimavik participants in Edmonton. When you put it into perspective, I went to a house I've never been to before, alone, to meet 10 strangers. Aahaha, yes my mom told me never to talk to strangers, this time she told me to go for it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


We got a miniature Havanese puppy today! She is a girl and so flippin' cute! I actually love her! She's asleep on my lap right now, she feels right at home already. <3

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Where would I love to go?

So.... I have two reasons for making the post. First is amazingly great yet incredibly unrelated news.
We're getting a puppy!!! If you know the history of pets in my family, which you obviously don't, you'd find this just as amazing as I do. We each had a cat when I was 4. We never cleaned up after them and so pet privileges were revoked. As well as this, my sister was allergic so it just didn't happen. We had fish but they always died. Then last year I convinced my mother to let me have a hamster! (: I love him. And now She wants a dog! We are getting either a regular Havanese or a miniature Havanese and supposedly they are kind, gentle, playful, happy sweet well-behaved dogs that stay little and they love people and follow you around the house. I loooove dogs that follow you. <3 Gaah. It's going to be so cute!

Secondly... I decided it would be fun to brainstorm where I'd like to go. Three places! That's a lot of places to go to. One new and exciting place would be enough, two is awesome, three is spectacular. I think one of my ultimate places to go would be Quebec City. It looks so old and beautiful and just distinctly different from anywhere else in Canada. Anywhere in the Maritimes would be amazing, I've heard everyone is just warmer and welcoming there and I've never seen the ocean. And then it's a tie between like Kelowna BC, and like Toronto or Ottawa, ON. Montreal would be great too. I think I am a city girl haha. (This is not where I'm going! This is just where I'd really love to go!)
I'd be so scared of going to the North West Territories but man would that be a crazy experience! And staying in AB would -sigh- be fine but could be better. I think everyone feels that way but with 11 of us, one of us at least is bound to end up close to where we came from.
42 days until I found out guys, maybe even less. I'm excited. (:
I'll post pictures of the puppy when we get it. <3

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Today on Katimavik's facebook page they posted the following message:

"WOW ! All spots for the 9-month Katimavik Classic 2010program have been filled. Online applications are now only available for the 6-month January and July programs. TELL YOUR FRIENDS !!! Thank you so much for showing interest in Canada's longest running volunteer service program!!!
Attention à tous les candidats qui n'ont pas été sélectionnés pour Katimavik classique 2010: Si vous vous voulez devenir éligible pour les programmes thématiques en janvier et en juillet 2011, connectez-vous sur Katimaroute, allez à l'étape 3 «Indiquez vos disponibilités» et sélectionnez votre thème de préférence.

It's actually insane, but all the people who were going to be accepted... have been! I feel so lucky that I was selected and it's so sad that some people didn't get in. It's the type of experience that is so good and beneficial that everyone should be allowed to participate if they want to/apply, but money makes the world go round I guess. But like I said, I'm just so grateful to have been accepted and I hope that some people who are on the waiting list get to experience their own adventure if someone who's away drops out in time.